Feedback Thoughts

Taking criticism is something I have never been very good at. I have struggled with it for many years and it is something I am still working on. It was no surprise to see the damage that is inflicted from rejection was all self-done. In the article Why Rejection Hurts So Much they talked about how our natural reaction to rejection in any form is self-doubt. We begin to call ourselves names and this is how all of the damage is done.

On the other hand, there are several ways to get rid of that self-doubt that we may feel after a rejection or negative feedback. In the articel Seven Ways to Crush Self-Doubt we learn that there are many things you do protect yourself once faced with rejection. My favortie of those described would have to be abandoning perfectionism. This is something I struggle with and is the main reason why I do not take criticism well. This is something I must keep in mind when facing criticism and something that I constantly have to work on. 


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