Reading Notes: Ancient Egyptian Myths and Stories Part A

  • Nu was a waste of water at the beginning of the world 
  • The god of brightness appeared as a shinning egg that floated on the water 
  • Ra is the god of sun and was greater than Nu 
  • Seb came to be next. Seb was the earth god 
  • Nut, the goddess of the firmament 
  • See and Nut were the parents of Osiris and his consort Iris 
  • Ra made the earth and heavens rise from the waste of water 
  • Ra created all things that move in the water and on dry land 
  • He created space and mankind was born of his eye and he became the first king on earth 
The Secret Name of Ra: 
  • Ra had a secret name that gave him his divine power. It was hidden in his bosom 
  • Isis the goddess sought to have power equal to that of Ra so she sought out his secret name 
  • Isis made a poisonous serpent from the moisture that dripped from Ra’s mouth as he spoke 
  • She cast it from her to hide and wait for Ra to walk by like he did every day
  • The serpent struck him and the venom entered his body 
  • The other gods he was with asked him what was wrong but Ra was unable to answer because of the venom 
  • Finally, he was able to talk and he told the others to gather his children and tell them of his pain 
  • Isis came to Ra claiming that she would create potions to help him 
  • She tried to convince him to say his name of power in hopes that it would heal him 
  • He sent the name to Isis and once she got it she works the spell and cleared his body of the venom. 
Ra and Hathor: 
  • As Ra grew old many spoke poorly of him and called him weak
  • Ra called the gods to assemble in his temple
  • He asked them to instruct him on what to do about the men that wished to slay him 
  • Ra sent his eye forth to mankind who hid in the mountains; where they were slain 
  • Elephantine brought back plants of virtue and jars filled with the blood of mankind 
  • They used this blood to make beer and the jars were sent to the place where the vengeful goddess rested 
  • From that day on, when the Nile rose in red flood offerings of beer were given to Hathor 
The Sun’s Journey: 
  • Ra accepted in atonement for the sin of men the sacrifice of his enemies 
  • He no longer reigned on earth, but instead to the realms above
  • Ra passed through the twelve-hour divisions of the night in Duat 
  • In each of these divisions, he wields a different form and strength 
  • Ra is lifted out of the deep by Nu
  • He is received by Nut and is born of Nut and grows in majesty
  • When Ra ascended into heaven, Osiris sat in his throne and ruled over Egypt. 
  • Osiris made good and binding laws 
  • He caused peace to prevail over all the land 
  • Isis was the queen of Osiris 
  • Men learned much from him and his wisdom 
  • While he was away, Isis ruled over Egypt instead of Set 
  • Set, Osiris’s brother was very jealous of Osiris and wanted to create a rebellion in the kingdom 
  • He plotted to overcome Osiris 
The Death of Osiris: 
  • When Osiris returned, Set brought him a chest that was made for Osiris 
  • Once Osiris put on the chest Set’s followers sprung forward and shut the lid and soldered it closed 
  • The chest now became the coffin for Osiris 
  • Isis searched everywhere for his body until she was finally told that it was seen floating down the Nile river 
  • Set took over the throne and became a tyrant 
  • Isis sought shelter in a woman’s home 
The Journey of Isis: 
  • Isis gave birth to her son Horus 
  • Set found where they were and made them prisoners in the house 
  • Thoth warned Isis that Set was going to kill her son so she took him and ran 
  • As Isis looked for the coffin of Osiris, her son was stung by a scorpion 
  • Isis pleaded with the god Ra for his safety and Thoth came down and restored him to life 
  • Isis set forth to Syria and pleaded with the king and queen for the coffin 
  • When she reached Egypt again she hid the body 
  • Set stumbled upon it and took the body of Osiris and split him into 14 pieces 
  • When Isis found out she was filled with grief and searched everywhere for the pieces of her husband 
  • She found 13 of them and buried them where they were found and made a tomb for each 
  • Temples were erected over the tombs and people worshiped there for centuries 
King of the Dead:
  • Horus grew strong and prepared to fight Set for the throne 
  • Horus dreamed his father told him to overthrow Set and he vowed to do it 
  • Set and Horus fought many times and finally Set appeared before the divine counsel and claimed the throne but the gods ruled Horus the rightful king 
The Wax Crocodile: 
  • A Pharaoh went to the temple of the god Ptah
  • He was followed by many and one of them was a handsome youth 
  • The scribe’s wife beheld them with love and sent gifts to him 
  • They had secret meetings 
  • A butler told the scribe of his wife’s doing and he requested a magic box be brought to him 
  • Inside the box was a small wax crocodile and he cast a spell to cast its image into the lake the next time the youth bathed himself 
  • The crocodile presented the body of the youth to the scribe and he returned it to its origin wax shape with the touch of his hand
  • His was then burned alive at the stake 
The Green Jewel: 

  • Sneferu (a king) sought entertainment but could not find any 
  • The scribe told him to go boating on the lake with beautiful girls
  • Sneferu did as was suggested and took pleasure in the activity
  • One of the girls lost her green jewel in the lake as she was rowing 
  • Sneferu told her to continue rowing and that he would replace it for her 
  • She did not want a replacement but instead wanted to find her own jewel that she had lost 
  • The scribe muttered spell and the lake was divided 
  • He found the jewel and returned it to the girl and the king continued on with his day of enjoyment  


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