Reading Notes Ancient Egyptian Myths and Stories Part B

The Two Brothers Part 1: 
  • Anpu was the oldest and Bata was the youngest of the two brothers 
  • Anpu was married and his younger brother lived with him and his wife 
  • Bata worked continuously on his brother’s farm 
  • Anpu sent Bata into the home to get the seed for the farm 
  • Anpu’s wife told him to get the seed from the storeroom 
  • Anpu’s wife was so impressed with Bata’s strength she asks him to stay with her in the house 
  • This upsets Bata and he tells her that he sees her as a mother 
  • When Anpu and Bata returned to the home they found Anpu’s wife on the ground 
  • She claimed that Bata came in and struck her because he was trying to woo her and she did not agree 
  • Anpu became enraged and sought to slay Bata 
The Two Brothers: Part 2: 
  • The next day, as Bata took the Oxen into the field one, warned him that his brother planned to kill him 
  • Another Ox told him to leave quickly
  • Bata saw his brother come for him and he quickly fled but Anpu ran after him 
  • Bata called out to Ra for help and Ra created a stream between the brother and filled it with crocodiles
  • They waited for Ra to come and reveal the truth to each other 
  • When Ra showed up Bata asked Anpu why he attacked him 
  • When the truth was revealed, Bata left and Anpu returned home and killed his wife 
  • Bata built a home for himself and one day the gods showed up and told him to return home to his brother 
  • The gods created a wife for Bata who was the most beautiful woman in all the land
  • Bata told his wife not to leave the house for fear someone would take her away from him 
The Two Brothers Part 3: 
  • One day his wife ventured outside the house and the sea spirit tried to pursue her 
  • She fled into the house but the sea spirit took a lock of her hair before she was gone 
  • The king summoned his scribes and sent them all to retrieve the girl but none returned because Bata killed them all 
  • The king sent another woman to get her in exchange for fine goods and the wife returned with the woman 
  • The king sent more people to cut down the acacia which contained Bata’s spirit and Bata fell down dead 
  • Anpu found his brother’s body and vowed to search for his soul 
  • After a few years later Anpu found Bata’s soul and returned him to life 
The Two Brothers Part 4: 
  • Anpu made his way into the kingdom with Bata who was a bull
  • When Bata saw his wife he called out to her. She did not recognize him because he looked like a bull
  • She ran from Bata and told the king she wished to eat the liver of the sacred bull 
  • The king commanded that the bull be sacrificed for his wife to eat 
  • When they attempted to cut the bull, its blood formed into two Persea trees that were believed to be a miracle 
  • Offerings were placed at the trees 
  • When the girl stood under the trees they began to talk to her for it was Bata who was the tree
  • She ran to the king and told him that she wished for the trees to be cut down so they cut down the trees
  • When they were cut down the girl grabbed a small wood chip and swallowed it. Soon after she gave birth to a son 
  • Years later the son grew and took over the throne when the king died. That song was really Bata 
  • Bata chose Anpu to be his royal heir 
The Book of Thoth Part 1: 
  • Ahura was the wife of Nefer-ka-ptah and their child was Merab
  • Nefer-ka-ptah went to the temple to pray one day and got distracted and forgot about the gods 
  • A priest appeared and began to laugh at him 
  • The priest told him of the Book of Thoth and he was so excited that he ran home to tell his wife about how he would find the book 
  • The priest told him to make sure that he had a funeral for the priest in exchange for the knowledge
  • Ahura did not want her husband to go on this joinery for the book
  • Nefer-ka-ptah asked the king for permission anyway and he took his family with him and left 
  • The family was welcomed in by the gods and they had a great feast 
The Book of Thoth Part 2: 
  • Nefer-ka_ptah left his family there and continued on his journey 
  • Nefer-ka-ptah fought the snake no man could kill 
  • He cut the snake apart and threw sand on it before it could come together again, rendering it helpless
  • He then found the book and began to read it 
  • He enchanted the sky, each, abyss, mountains, and the sea and he understood the birds, fish, and beasts 
  • He returned to Koptos where his wife and family were
  • He got a new piece of papyrus and wrote down the spells in the book 
  • He raised the papyrus in beer so it looked as if it was never written on 
  • He had remembered all the spell that he had written down 
The Book of Thoth Part 3: 
  • Thoth noticed that the book was gone and sent the guards and snakes out to avenge him 
  • Merab was drowned in the river, lured out by the power of Ra 
  • Nefer-ka-ptah used a spell to find the body and find out what killed his son. He found out that Thoth was after him 
  • The power of Ra next lured out his wife and she was drowned as well 
  • Soon the power came for Nefer-ka-ptah and he too was drowned in the river 
  • They hurried his body with the Book of Thoth 
The Tale of King Rhampsinitus: 

  •  Rhampsinitus built the temple of Ptah and was a very wealthy king
  • The king had a measure hidden but the man who built it told his sons of its whereabouts when he was fatally ill 
  • The sons found the kings sacred stone and stole it 
  • More and more people robbed the king but he had no idea how they got in and he had no suspects 
  • The king placed traps and when the brothers returned one of them was trapped 
  • He told his brother that he could not escape and that he should cut off his head so as not to make the king suspect him as well 
  • The king discovered the headless body and hung it in hope of catching someone mourning, he caught no one 
  • The mother of the boys grieved in secret
  • She treated her other son to retrieve the body of his brother or she would tell the king everything so he agreed and stole back the body of his brother 
  • This upset the king even more and he sent out his daughter in disguise in order to find the criminal 
  • She found him and offered to be his bride and got him to admit to everything involving his brother 
  • She tried to seize him but he escaped and the king offered to pardon him if he would appear at the palace 
  • He went to the kingdom and the king was delighted to meet such a cunning criminal. 
Story Source: Egypt Myth and Legend 


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