Reading Notes: Homer's Iliad, Part A

Of How the War With Troy Began: 
  • King of Sparta had a beautiful daughter named Helen 
  • The king told all of his daughter's suiters that regardless of who marries her, they all must help the husband if someone takes Helen away 
  • Helen chose to marry a prince named, Menelaüs
  • Menelaüs was the brother of Agamemnon who was the chief of all the Kings of Greece 
  • When Helen’s father died, her husband became King of Sparta 
  • One day, a prince named Paris came to Sparta from the King of Troy 
  • The prince took Helen and much of her gold and stones 
  • Menelaüs and his brother Agamemnon went to the other princes and told them to keep their word and help find Helen. 
  • All of the princes and many more came together to help find Helen 
  • For 9 years, the Greeks besieged the city of Troy but they were unable to break through the walls 
  • They soon ran out of clothes and food and supplies so they left some of the armies to watch the city.
  • The rest of the army went about and spoiled other cities
  • This created the great quarrel. 

The Quarrel: 
  • The Greeks took the city of Chrysé. 
  • They split the spoils amongst themselves. 
  • They gave a girl named Chryseïs to Agamemnon
  • She was the daughter of the priest of Apollo. 
  • Her father begged for his daughter back in exchange for gold but they refused to give her back 
  • The priest prayed to Apollo for help. 
  • Apollo listened and began killing the dogs, mules, and the men for several days
  • Agamemnon agreed to give back the girl but refused to return any of the spoils 
  • Achilles and the others were outraged and eventually, Achilles decided he would return home and refused to fight for the King any longer
  • The king Agamemnon told Achilles to go but first told him that he must give up the girl he was given, Briseïs. 
  • Achilles was very angry and drew his sword to attack the king 
  • Athené stopped Achilles and begged him not to attack so Achilles put down his weapon.  
  • As he was leaving Achilles swore that none would come and take what was his. 
  • Later, Agamemnon sent others to take the girl from Achilles
  • Achilles allowed them to take the girl and after they left he sat by the sea and wept 
  • His mother, the daughter of the sea, Thetis came to him and asked him why he wept.
  • He told his mother of what happened and asked her to go to Zeus and ask him to help get revenge 
  • His mother said she would go to Zeus when he returned from his 12-day feast with the other gods 

What Thetis Did for Her Son:
  • Thetis asked Zeus for his help and he agreed, knowing that it would upset his wife Hera
  • Hera fought with Zeus because she saw that he had been with Thetis and he would not tell her what the matter was about. 
  • Zeus called a Dream and told it to tell Agamemnon that he would be able to take Troy without the help of Achilles. 
  • The king believed that this false dream would come true. 

Hector and Andromache: 
  • Hector is the eldest son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba
  • Paris is his younger brother 
  • Hector is the leader of the Trojan forces and Andromache is his wife 
  • Hector tells his mother to gather the women of Troy to pray to Athené and ask her to protect the city of Troy
  • The queen prayed but Athené would not listen 
  • Hector then went to his brother and called on him to join the battle as well 
  • Paris agreed to join his brother 
  • Hector went to see his wife after but was told that she was in one of the towers to see the battle 
  • His wife pleaded with him not to go to battle but he refused. 
  • He prayed to Zeus and the gods to take care of his son and make sure he will be a great man for Troy 
  • Hector met up with Paris and together they rode into battle 

The Embassy to Achilles: 
  • Agamemnon realized that he could not defeat Troy without Achilles so he sent a Phoenix to try and persuade Achilles to join again 
  • Achilles, Phoenix, and the other Chiefs all feasted together 
  • They presented Achilles with many gifts and asked him to accept them and in return, he must kill Hector
  • Achilles refused to counsel with Agamemnon ever again 
  • Achilles warns them to all return to their own homes because they will never be able to take Troy
  • He asks Phoenix to stay with him and depart on the ship with him the next day 

The Deeds and Death of Patroclus: 

  • Patroclus begs Achilles to let him go fight in the battles 
  • Achilles allows him to go fight but tells him that he must return and fight no more once he is done 
  • Patroclus put on Achilles’s armor and headed into battle 
  • Achilles called the Myrmidons to battle 
  • They went into battle with Patroclus 
  • Achilles prayed to Zeus for Patroclus to be strong and brave in battle and to return home safe when over. 
  • He only answered part of his prayer 
  • Patroclus was determined to slay Hector in battle and followed after him when he fled. 
  • Sarpēdon the Lycian fought with Patroclus and pleaded for his people to stand and fight 
  • He threw his spear at Patroclus and missed but Patroclus; who also threw him, did not miss and killed Sarpēdon. 
  • His kinsmen Glaucus prayed to Apollo for strength and Apollo heard him and helped him 
  • Patroclus forgot the words of Achilles and believed he would now be able to take the city of Troy
  • Apollo told him to return and that it was not his place to take Troy 
  • He returned but still raged against the Trojans 
  • Patroclus continued to slay the Trojans until he was struck down by Apollo 
  • Hector began to boast to Patroclus about his inability to take Troy 
  • Patroclus told Hector that his death was coming and before he could hear Hector’s reply he was dead. 


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