Topic Brainstorm

1. Urban Legends

I love learning about different urban legends and why they may have originated in the first place. In my free time, I enjoy listening to the Lore podcast which is filled with creepy urban legends and their history and backstory. I do know about quite a few of the classic urban legends just from listening to the podcast and seeing some documentaries about them. There are so many urban legends that exist and I really want to read about some completely new ones. I would much prefer to learn about the most spooky of the urban legends but I would also be interested in reading some comical stories as well. I would try to take the more dated urban legends and retell in a more modern way. The horrors section on looks the most interesting to me.

2. Fairytale Villains

I picked fairytale villains as a possible topic because I really like the idea of telling a story from the villain's point of view like Oz. I know a fair amount about the classic fairytale villains (mostly from Disney movies) so I think this would be really fun to write about. I would love to learn more about villains I have never heard of when researching for this project. If I was retelling these stories I would tell them from the point of view of the villain but I would not try to manipulate the character to make them someone you actually cheer for.  The Andrew Lang collection of fairy books looks like a good place to start looking for stories.

3. Nore Mythology

Norse mythology is such a fun subject to read about. This is especially true since the Marvel movies have made many characters like Thor, Loki, Odin, and Hela such mainstream names. I do not know much about Norse mythology outside of those Marvel movies but I loved learning about Greek mythology so I know this would be interesting to learn about. I would like to retell these stories with some sort of family drama aspect. I think this would be fun to write and could end up being pretty funny. Freebookapaloza is filled with so many interesting Norse mythology books so this would be a good place to start.

4. Ghost Stories

I love a good ghost story and I would love to work on a project that encourages me to keep reading them. I also think the Japanese ghost stories would be really fun to read. I grew up hearing many stories from my dad and my grandma about Japanese spirits so this would be fun to learn more about. Either way, I would like to retell these stories in a more modern way but make sure that they remain scary and frightening. These ghost stories about OU would be a fun place to start reading.


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