Topic Research

1. Pins and Needles in Halloween Candy 

These are always my favorite urban legends to read about. They always remind me of being a kid when my parents would comb through my cand that I got trick-or-treating. The idea of candy being poisoned is an urban legend but there have been a few cases where needles or razor blades have been found.

2. The Truth About Slenderman 

I love the Slenderman urban legend because it is one of the more modern ones. It is made even more creepy when you learn that some young girls believed in this so much it lead them to stab one of their friends.  I think this would be a fun legend to write about.

3. Cell Phone Calls After Death 

I think this would be a very interesting story to write about. The idea is that a man who was killed in a crash is calling his loved one from beyond the grave. This could be retold in some very interesting ways.


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