Week 7 Story: Last Man Standing


There once was a man who was plagued by his constant fear of death. He spent every waking moment thinking about the end. For years, he had searched for a miracle that would allow him to live forever. It wasn’t that he was afraid to grow old, he did not fear old age. He simply wanted to live forever and be around to experience everything the world had to offer for the rest of time. He looked into myths about a holy grail, an elixir of life, and even medical research looking into ways to extend his lifespan yet he found nothing that was useful. Still constantly afraid of death and desperate, the man headed to his local psychic to ask for answers.
The psychic he had gone to see had turned her home into her workplace. The walls were lined with gothic style paintings that depicted mythical creatures, wizards, ghosts, and demons. This is exactly what he imagined a psychic’s home to look like. She welcomed him in with open arms and led him to the back of the house toward a small room with a large round table in the center and candles that were placed on every surface. He sat down and they began to talk about what he was seeing her for. He told her of his fear and that he was searching for a way to live forever. The psychic did not seem surprised when she heard this and some part of him wondered if she had already known what he wanted as soon as he walked into the home.
She warned him almost immediately that living forever was not as great as it sounded. The psychic told him that if he kept pursuing this, he would come to regret it. The man could not be persuaded to change his mind and asked again for a way to get what he wanted. She reluctantly told him that he would have to make contact with a powerful being and ask for his wish to be granted. She gave him all of the information and supplies he would need for this summoning and sent him on his way. As he walked out her door, she warned him one more time about how lonely a life like that could be. He thanked her kindly and left, still determined as ever.
Less than a week later the man was ready to summon this being who could grant him immortality. He followed each instruction with care and after repeating the words written down a great force shook his home. In a puff of smoke, a very tall and lanky man appeared. He had to have been at least 7 feet tall and was extremely pale. He did not seem pleased to be summoned and asked the man what he wanted. The man told him of his desire to live forever. The tall man laughed when he heard this but for some reason, he did not argue with him. He told the man that if he wished to live forever then that is what he would do. While he was thrilled to hear this, he couldn’t help but feel like the tall man knew something he didn’t. Regardless, he took the small vial the tall man offered him without question and the tall man disappeared the same way he had shown up, in a puff of smoke. As soon as the tall man vanished, he looked at the purple liquid swirling in the vial, pulled the cork off the top, and guzzled it down.
The man spent many years traveling the world, never settling down in one place for too long for fear that others would know that he lived forever. He still aged but it was at a much slower pace than most and it became obvious after 10 years in one place that he was not aging like normal.
A few hundred years down the line, the man grew weary and did not enjoy life as much as he used to. He never felt any rush to do anything or go somewhere because he knew he had all the time in the world. He soon started to realize that even though he would live forever, those around him and those to come may never get the chance. The temperature began to rise dramatically and nowhere seemed to cool off regardless of the time of year. Lake dried up and the rain stopped falling. Entire species of animals ceased to exist and soon there were almost no animals in the wild. Eventually, no one was able to grow crops and soon after the livestock died off as well. Four hundred years after he asked to live forever and he was alone on a barren wasteland of a planet, wishing death would come for him next even though he knew it wouldn’t. He was immune to all poisons, weapons, and even starvation. The man quickly understood why the tall man laughed when he heard the request. Did he know this whole what was coming? Did the psychic know too when she warned him of how lonely this life could be? Regardless, the man spent eternity wandering the earth as the last man alive, doomed to live forever.

Author's Note: This story was inspired by the Japanese Fairy Tale "The Man Who Did Not Wish to Die." In that story, a man realizes his fear of death and searches for the Exlir of Life in order to live forever. He ends up praying to a god who sends him to the country of perpetual life. There he sees the people who reside there poisoning themselves every day and wishing for death. At first, he does not understand why they would not be happy to live forever but after hundreds of years, he too finds himself wishing for the end. After praying to the god again to end his life, he is sent back home to the time before he left and warned not to seek eternal life again. He ends up spending the rest of his days a happy man. I really enjoyed this idea of someone fearing death because this is such a common fear for most people. In my retelling, I still wanted to focus on a man who seeks eternal life but instead of getting sent somewhere else he is forced to live through the destruction of our planet over the years and is unable to escape. I have always thought that the idea of living forever sounded terrible and lonely. The thought of watching those you love pass away throughout the years and eventually becoming the last one sounded like a nightmare. For this story, I wanted to focus on that terrifying idea of loneliness and how something like eternal life could sound so promising but end up being a curse. 

Story Source: Japanese Fairy Tales by Yei Theodora Ozaki (1908).


  1. Hey Katie,
    I liked reading your story this week I believe the message and the story you wrote was not only thoughtful but it also was a good reflection of the story you covered. I was curious about the part where the crops didn't grow and livestock died, was the livestock apart of the original story or was it made up for your story? Overall I think you did a wonderful job on your story this week.

  2. Hi Katie!
    I think that your story was a great variation of the original one. I could not imagine being the only one left on earth. While many of us would like to live forever we would end up facing a time like the man in the story did. All alone. Great job with your descriptives of the man and the way earth ended and with the story.

  3. Hi, Katie! I really enjoyed reading your story and seeing how you decided to put your own special twist on a classic tale! I liked how your version of the story and the original one are similar, but they are also different. The idea of being the only person left on Earth terrifies me, so I could not imaging having to live that life. For that reason alone I would never want to live forever. Overall, I really enjoyed your story and I look forward to reading more from you as this semester goes on!

  4. Hi Katie! I really enjoyed your story! It's very similar to someone else's I just read in their Storybook project, but I don't think they were the same stories. I really like your version. I love that your version and the original are similar but different. People think that they want to live forever, but they don't realize that those you love or grow fond of, won't live forever and after a time that would get incredibly depressing I would think. I also loved how you let him live through the destruction of our planet while he couldn't die. And then when he finally learned his lesson, you take him back to the exact moment he decided to change his life, so he had learned his lesson and could enjoy his actual life. Great job!

  5. Hi Katie, I love how well you described the surroundings in your story. You made it so that I could easily imagine the psychics home/office and the way the demon/being looked. You kept going with these descriptions all through the story which made it consistent in style and therefore a more fun read.
    - Anna Margret

  6. Hi Katie,
    I would like to say I loved this story. It really hit me because I know what it is like to be lonely. It would suck to live forever and watch everything around you fade away and die. It a hard-hitting ending to make you think living alone forever and what would happen. It really makes you think do you want to live forever? I loved the story keep it up.


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