Week 8 Comments and Feedback

1. Overall, I would say that I am getting very helpful feedback from the others in this class. They always suggest helpful ideas for my stories and help me recognize issues that may not have made much sense. This helps a lot when working on revisions.

2. I think I leave helpful feedback for other students in this class as well. I try and make sure that the comments help provide ideas and are not just filled with "good job." I think the best feedback strategy is the WWW or the Wow, I Wonder, and What if? I think this is best because it offers a good amount of ideas and feedback while also telling the author what you loved about their work.

3. I think the comments are very helpful when it comes to getting to know the people in this class. The introduction posts have been so informative and a really helpful way to get to know people

4. I wish there was a more helpful way to organize the comment wall. I like knowing that people have a space to leave feedback for me but it can be difficult to tell which comment is for which post. 

5. I think this image really sums up how I feel about feedback. I think it is so important to help you become better and to grow. It helps you to make changes to your writing and every time you do this you learn to become a better writer. 


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