Week 8 Reading and Writing

This class has been such fun so far! I had no clue I would enjoy this class as much as I do. During week 8 we are taking a look back and looking toward the future and reflecting on our work this semester. So far I am really enjoying this class! I really love how it is structured and even though it can seem like a lot of work each week the time flies by quickly because the work is so fun! love doing the reading and I come up with ideas for stories pretty quickly while doing the reading notes. 
Even though using a blog was very new to me, I am pretty happy with my blog for this class. I was nervous at first when I created this blog because it was the first time I have ever done something like this. I was worried that I would not get the hang of it but over time I have been able to understand what I am doing for the most part. This was the case for my project website as well. It felt like as soon as I got the hang of this blog I was creating another website that I had to learn all over again. I am still trying to get the hang of it but I am slowly working toward an understanding of the process. 

I was not expecting the class to be so focused on reading tales and stories when I first signed up for this class. Throughout the weeks we have gotten the chance to read so many great stories this semester but I would have to say I love the tale of Cupid and Psyche the most. It was such an interesting story and it was very easy to read and get lost in the tale. This also led me to one of my favorite retellings from this semester; The Love of Siblings. It reminded me so much of how powerful a child's imagination can be and how strong the bond with a sibling is. The image at the top is also my favorite image I have used this semester. I really think it captures how exciting and magical reading can be! 

I am very excited to see where this class goes for the rest of the semester. What the reading will be like and how it will shape my stories. I am also really excited to learn to be a better writer and use the feedback I get to make my stories much better! 


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