Reading Notes: Celtic Fairy Tales (Reading A)

Connla and the Fairy Maiden: 
  • Connla was the son of a king and one day he heard a maiden’s voice call out to him to join him in the Plain of Pleasure where no one aged or died. 
  • He wished to join but the king had a Druid come and do a spell to make the maiden’s voice disappear
  • She returned later and once again called out to Connla and even though his father was against it, he wished to join the maiden.
  • She convinced him to join him so he did and they rode away into the sun and were never seen again 
The Field of Boliauns: 
  • As Tom was walking along he saw a Leprechaun 
  • Tom grabbed the leprechaun and made him show him where his money was 
  • The leprechaun showed him which boliauns with was under and tom marked it with his garter and made the leprechaun swear he wouldn’t move it 
  • When Tom returned he did not see any boliauns with a garter on it 
  • He returned home with his spade empty-handed 
The Horned Woman: 
  • A woman was at home when there was a knock on her door. When she answered she saw that it was a witch with one horn 
  • More and more witches came and walked into her home and sat down to spin until there were twelve witches; the first with one horn and the last with twelve.
  • The witches spell the women and she was unable to move or speak until they ordered her to make them a cake 
  • As she fetched water from the well she called to the spirits to help her get rid of the witches 
  • They fled but later came back but the woman had prepared her home for their spells this time 
  • The home was protected from the witches so they fled and never came back 
The Shepard of Myddvai: 

  • A Shepard saw three beautiful maidens come from the lake and tried to offer one of them some bread 
  • She did not like it and ran away 
  • The next day he took some better bred to the maidens but they did not like it and ran away 
  • The third time he found bread floating near the shore and gave it to a maiden who then promised to become his wife if he was able to tell her apart from her sisters the next day 
  • They married but she said she would leave if he struck her three times 
  • For many years they were happy but a couple times he had tapped her on the shoulder and when he did it the third time she left him 
Source: Celtic Fairy Tales by Joseph Jacobs with illustrations by John D. Batten (1892).


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